So, you’ve found your dream ring, but it’s a few sizes too big. Or perhaps you’ve received a gift from your sweetheart and it just isn’t fitting. Maybe you’ve lost (or gained) some weight. Or maybe you simply want to wear your ring on another finger. Whatever the reason for needing ring resizing, we have some information that you may find helpful to know before visiting your local jewelers.
When is it time to resize your ring?
First, it is important to make sure that a ring actually needs resizing before going through with the process. An ideal fitting ring is snug enough so that it doesn’t fall off but is loose enough to slide over your knuckle with a gentle pull. It should slide onto your finger fairly easily, but be a bit harder to get off.
During wear, the ring should fit snugly, but not too tightly to cause discomfort. If your ring is so small that it’s uncomfortable to wear, or too big that it can slip off with no resistance at all, you should get it resized. Wearing a ring that fits improperly risks damaging or even losing the piece.
The perfect fit
When it comes to rings, you should know that there is no such thing as a perfect fit. There will be days when your ring is a little loose, as well as days when it’s a bit too tight. Our fingers change size depending on the weather, time of day, hormone fluctuations, our eating habits, and other factors.
Seeking out professional ring resizing will ensure you get that almost perfect fit with the help of a knowledgeable jeweler. After all, it is their job to make sure you feel the most comfortable while wearing your ring.