Personal Training and Sports Nutrition Training

A Sister Gym To Leo Fit Labs in San Diego

You may not know this, but Leo Hamel also founded a boutique gym in San Diego that specializes in High Tech high-intensity resistance training (HIT or HIIT). LeoFitLabs.

A sister gym, of a very simillar nature, is in the Clairmont Mesa Area. TrySystems Gym. They do live and video training. If our gym is too far from you, I highly recommend Jeff Kitterman’s facility.

This is Jeff Below

Headshot of Jeff Kitterman.

Jeff also founded a nutrition training course for sports. The National Association of Sports Nutrition.

Also Highly recommended.

The Fascinating and Interesting Jason Stapleton Program​

Jason has a podcast that is a combination of current news and information on how to start and run a successful “side gig” business. I find the show useful and informative. You can find him at The Jason Stapleton Program and listen to his podcast wherever you listen to them. The podcast is here.

He is a good guy, and his summary of current events is eye-opening. He is very worth the listen.

And He Is Good Looking Too!

Headshot of Jason Stapleton.

From his website,  bootstrappers podcast for founders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and dreamers who are building businesses from scratch without taking on loans or selling shares. Here we cover marketing, sales, organization, and headset issues that mean the most to a new entrepreneur. 

The Original Jikiden Reiki By Dr. Danilychev

Several participants on one of Dr. Maria Danilychev’s Reiki classes.

She Does Individual Reiki and Classes So You May Practice

Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique of channeling energy to heal both physical and mental problems. I have referred many to Dr. Maria, and all were happy.

Dr. Maria Danilychev is a quadruple board-certified physician. She is the only medical doctor in the US who is a certified Jikiden Reiki Shihan (Master Teacher) by the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Japan.

Her website is: SDReiki.Com

Contact Info:

PHONE: 858-333-5988
HOURS: by appointment only BOOK NOW on her website.

Physical Address
4420 Hotel Circle Court, Ste. 265, San Diego, CA 92108